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Kit N’Kabootie

Name: Kit N’ Kabootie
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
Turn On’s: Bending Over, picking things up, catnip, lanky torsos, Tall Men, Taller women

Pets: Yes, I love to receive lots of pets, all kittens do…
Favorite Cocktail: Shrimp Cocktails, Aston Martinis, and AppleTinis
Favorite Moxie: I love all my Moxies!! Sparkle Baby, Addison Panic, and I all started at the same time, so they are like my Moxie Siblings or really, Moxie Freshmen Year 2013!
Favorite Color: Purple
Dream Vacation: A moxie group trip to the Bahamas or some other beachy local
Best Moxie Le Femme Memory: On Stage – it is whenever I look up and see all of my favorite people doing what they love on stage and executing so well the performances they have worked and practiced so hard to learn for all you fine folks. Off Stage – it’s the love and support I receive from these fine ladies and gentlemen on a daily basis. #MoxieFamily!
